Income to Wealth, Health, Freedom: The Business of Growing Money in Your Bank Account Effortlessly Part I:

by ppeng on June 13, 2008

By Peiying Peng & Liz Zed

Part I:  Automated money business–beginner’s first steps.

1. Start where you are.

This is your money check-up. No matter how hopelessly broke or in debt you may be at this moment, just acknowledge where you are. Willing to follow a few simple and easy steps you will increase your money effortlessly. Countless others have gone before you–including myself–and you’ll hear more in future articles. It starts with your commitment to yourself and your decision to start now!

2. Utilize the resources at hand.

Take a ‘people’ inventory. With whom do you commiserate? These are the people you see or talk to frequently that share your poverty mentality–again, more about that later. You recognize the other as someone who strives to move forward. You want wealth or freedom, or both. You have a list of wants and a shortage of haves. Consider enlisting one or two of these ‘buddies’ into your automated wealth creation plan.

3. Commence by creating a stash.

The stash is sacrosanct. Think holy, sacred, and untouchable–not to be tampered with.

The beginner road to freedom, wealth and health allows for two options:

· a bank account and/or

· a buddy.

If your automated plan includes a buddy or two you can safe-keep the stash for each other or make bank deposits for them. Without a buddy you must use a bank account. Focus and begin. Give money weekly to a friend or to the bank. It doesn’t matter how small the amount is, just as long as you commit, you are consistent, and you give a little thought to cash accumulation each day.

4. Never break your commitment.

You are committed to the disciplined accumulation of your money, and you are making a promise to keep it untouchable. It will soon turn income into riches.

5. Forego anything.

Initially keep track daily for one week of all money spent. See if any intended money spent could go to the stash instead. If the answer is yes, put it there!

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