Automated money business–beginner’s first steps. Part 1. Step 1.

by ppeng on June 13, 2008

By Peiying Peng & Liz Zed

Step I:  Start Where You Are

It starts with your commitment to yourself. Make the decision to take stock and make changes. If you’re like most people your financial reality is that you’re living in a world with more month than money.

The lifestyle you currently live really is irrelevant. Whether you are low, middle, high, or no income the same ‘rule’ applies. Do you manage your money? Or does your money manage you? In other words: Do you rule? Or does money rule?

Most people know ‘how’ to work for money. And sadly–for most people–that’s the extent of their relationship with money. Life changes dramatically when you shift your focus from working for money to having money work for you.

Decide now to begin from a new perspective. Stop feeling badly about your money situation. Begin to feel grateful that there are other options for you and commit to learning. This is a learning curve that requires a willingness to look at habitual patterns of thinking. Decide that you can do this. Create a strong desire. Make your desire to learn how to do things differently strong enough. Your desire for success in the money arena must be so strong that it overrides self-doubt and money worry. Trust in your ability to succeed.

Finally, be willing to take action. Being truly willing to take action will require you to renew your commitment to taking action again and again and again………..

Begin now!

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