Automated money business–beginner’s first steps. Part 1. Step 2.

by ppeng on June 13, 2008

By Peiying Peng & Liz Zed

Step 2–Utilizing the resources at hand.

This step requires you to take an inventory of your ‘peeps’. Changing our relationship with money is a journey made much easier by the sharing of it. Over the course of time we have developed a habitual pattern of mind. Actions we take usually derive from thoughts coinciding with our self-image. In other words, whatever results we are currently getting arise out of actions we have taken. Our actions are in alignment with the thoughts we have. Often the thoughts we have are about how people ‘like me’ should be! In order to change our actions we have to change our thoughts. This is simple and straightforward. Yet, it is not easy.

Flexibility of mind is required. Well-established patterns of habit must be reshaped by taking a different course of action again and again, until a new habit has been created. This is where the assistance of like-minded others is invaluable.

If you are serious and committed to changing your relationship to money (remember Step 1!) and to developing a prosperity consciousness, a support system will help. Be creative here. Start talking about this with several other acquaintances or good friends. If you can, find one or two others who can relate to your desire and design a strategy to work together for mutual benefit.

Remember that change is often challenging. You may have a tendency at this point to resist the challenge. Perhaps you are reluctant to talk about your ideas. One potential risk is vulnerability to criticism or lack of support. If you’re a lone ranger–and we’ll talk about this too, in future articles–you may feel like you don’t have or want others as a support system. When resisting the challenge of seeking out support you could ask yourself “How important is this in my life?” Get some leverage on yourself by making it important. What will you lose in your life if you don’t make this shift? What will you gain if you do?

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