What You Will Lose By Trying To Keep Your Job

by ppeng on December 9, 2008

By Peiying Peng & Liz Zed

One of the resulting effects of the constant inflow of news about an economic downturn is worker stress related to fear of losing their jobs. Announcements of job cuts continuously reinforce the fear. Feeling fearful requires energy expenditure which in turn has two effects: 1) difficulty maintaining optimum performance on the job, and 2) inability to stay connected to the energy of the moment.

Allowing oneself to focus on fear induces negative job performance and is therefore counterproductive. Inability to stay connected to the energy of the moment cuts one off from opportunities. Opportunities occur in the present–in the moment of ‘now’. Opportunity and creativity are killed by fear.

A change of attitude offers instant transformation. More about this next week.




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