Turn to the LOVING Side of Life

by ppeng on December 23, 2008

By Peiying Peng & Liz Zed

We just had the winter solstice, which  is the longest night of the year.  From that day on, each night only gets shorter.  Throughout the ages, people have more holidays in the winter than any other seasons.  It is in the dark days when we need to create merriment and hope. 


There is a parallel between the darkness of the season and the darkness of the economic situation all over the world right now.  The economic situation may seem bleak to some, but we can still draw strength by listening to our forebearer’s wisdom.  Now is the time to have fun and reconnect with others, begin to form new connections and be more engaged.  Reach out to others and allow them to connect with you through the dark times and turn to the loving side of life. 

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