There IS a Difference Between You and Them

by ppeng on January 13, 2009

By Peiying Peng & Liz Zed

Who comes to mind when you notice someone with a successful business that you might like to have?  Who makes the kind of money you would like to make?  Or someone just living the lifestyle that you wish you could live?
Wouldn’t it be great if you could have it too?
What do you think is the reason for their success? You keep trying but you don’t really get there.
Perhaps you end up telling yourself that they’re different from you. And that’s why you can’t have what they have.
You are absolutely right. There IS a difference between you and them–and there is a way you CAN have what they have.
The key to the difference lies in the way you think. We’re not talking about a qualitative difference in brain power or cognitive ability. We’re talking about the way you think about yourself and your abilities. It is all about self-image. The difference is your self-perception.

Who comes to mind when you notice someone with a successful business that you might like to have?  Who makes the kind of money you would like to make?  Or someone just living the lifestyle that you wish you could live?
Wouldn’t it be great if you could have it too?
What do you think is the reason for their success? You keep trying but you don’t really get there.
Perhaps you end up telling yourself that they’re different from you. And that’s why you can’t have what they have.
You are absolutely right. There IS a difference between you and them–and there is a way you CAN have what they have.
The key to the difference lies in the way you think. We’re not talking about a qualitative difference in brain power or cognitive ability. We’re talking about the way you think about yourself and your abilities. It is all about self-image. The difference is your self-perception.

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