Need an Opening in Life?

by ppeng on July 30, 2009

By Peiying Peng & Liz Zed

If the chips are down or your streak of luck seems to have run out, here’s an easy trick to switch direction. Clean up your space! That’s it. CLEAN UP!
A messy, cluttered, or grimy space  leaves no room for clarity or new things.  It most likely reflects your mental space, too.  So spend some time walking around your living space and find ‘stuff’ to give away, sell, recycle or just throw out.  In that process, you are distracted from your current stress, and you open up new areas that will allow the light to shine in.  You can shine a new light on your living space, your mental space, your career, and your life.
Try it. Get an accountability partner to help you on the follow through if need be.  And hey, if it works get back to us and share the good news.

If the chips are down or your streak of luck seems to have run out, here’s an easy trick to switch direction. Clean up your space! That’s it. CLEAN UP!
A messy, cluttered, or grimy space  leaves no room for clarity or new things.  It most likely reflects your mental space, too.  So spend some time walking around your living space and find ‘stuff’ to give away, sell, recycle or just throw out.  In that process, you are distracted from your current stress, and you open up new areas that will allow the light to shine in.  You can shine a new light on your living space, your mental space, your career, and your life.
Try it. Get an accountability partner to help you on the follow through if need be.  And hey, if it works get back to us and share the good news.

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