My Distractions Are Infinitely Clever

by ppeng on November 11, 2008

By Peiying Peng & Liz Zed

My Distractions Are Infinitely Clever

Have you noticed that whenever you need to do something suddenly your environment is screaming a thousand things that need taking care of and they’re all different from whatever you need to do? It will be anything but what you need to do. “Let’s go for coffee.” Wash the dishes. A terrific show you need to see. A book that begs to be read. Take out the garbage. Empty the closets. If it is an avoidance and not a distraction you won’t even do these things. It’s an Avoidance.

Distraction is exactly what it says it is. It’s something to take you away from the achievement of your goals. When distractions and avoidances rear their ugly head interestingly nothing really ends up getting done. There is often a sense of hanging out in empty space–in the void. There may be a sense of hopelessness. It is the ultimate success-killer.

It is important to become conscious of distractions. This is a first step to getting on a new track & completing our goals.

However, another consideration on this topic is that there are actually 2 points that warrant contemplation:

1.  Ignore the distraction and focus on the task at hand.

2.  To just let go of whatever is the goal. Put the focus of attention to the distractions because they could be signposts for whatever you need/ wherever you want to go.

So how do you distinguish those two? Watch for our next Tip of the Week.Next week we’ll talk about distractions as avoidance and distractions as signposts to a truer path.

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