Ending Procrastination Forever Part 2

by ppeng on November 17, 2009

By Peiying Peng & Liz Zed

Part 2:

….start by conjuring relaxation… Do you have a system in place that allows you to create relaxation at will?

If you’re fully able to relax the body and the mind as soon as the conscious mind becomes aware that it’s needed then you are ready to take the first step to overcoming procrastination by relaxing and tapping into a source of excitement, and we’ll come back to that next week.

If relaxation does not come easily to you yet, your task now is to find a system of progressive relaxation training that works for you. There are many teachers and systems available for this purpose and it’s really just a question of finding one that works for you. See it as being like bookkeeping. There are many methods to the same end but the trick is to find a system that resonates.

If you’re not sure where to start looking for a system feel free to e-mail us. If you’ve never experienced a head-to-toe guided relaxation you can begin by sampling one of ours at the sign-up on our home page.

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